You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2012.

Finally did it.


To all those people thinking, “Oh, you’re just getting an iPhone because of herd mentality,” I’ve been putting off getting an iPhone for the longest time because I really did want to give Android a chance.

Years later of crashing programs, dropped calls, and terrible battery life, my brick of a Droid forced me to turn to the “Dark Side” and go Apple.

But as you all know, I love me some Apples. And because I’m a Mac user to begin with, the switch has been incredibly refreshing.

Wuv. Twue Wuv.

Wait…does DC even count as “South?”

As you know, I am a clumsy person.

A very…VERY clumsy person.

On my way to work, I had another wipeout on the streets of DC. The laces on my high heel boots managed to get tangled and before I knew it, I had fallen off my bus and onto the sidewalk.

Fortunately, there were two other people walking by, who ran up to help pick up my bags (and body) off of the floor. It made me realize just how different DC was from NYC…

Despite the embarrassing tumble, I came to the realization that I am so blessed to be where I am today.

Last week, I was able to go to an Israel Houghton and New Breed concert in Gaithersberg, MD.

I was blown AWAY. I wish I had taken some pictures while I was there, but for once, I enjoyed the concert so much that I didn’t even touch my camera. 2 hours straight of non-stop worship. And it still ended too soon.

The Ravens may have lost today, but another week is on it’s way! Are you ready my lovely readers? Let’s see what God has in store!

This article is dedicated to my friend Jason Kim, who is dutifully and graciously serving our country in Afghanistan. Come home soon, brother!

I’m alive!

Sorry for not posting for a while. I realize that over the past two weeks, after the hullaballoo of the winter season, I’ve been incredibly uninspired!

I even tried Googling how I could possibly enhance my creative brain activity, and stumbled across this:

Which made me think…and I’ve come to realize that I haven’t been getting enough sleep lately.

And the effects of which are causing me to go a little…weird.


True story. I’m so ashamed. The office flag may not have been red, but my feelings about it certainly were.

What are some of the effects you experience with lack of sleep, and are they as weird as mine?

I’m 25 and I feel so alive!

I had the best birthday ever today. Which is saying a lot, because last year’s birthday was pretty sweet.

It started on Saturday, when I got to have the most amazing lunch extravaganza with my family at Azul 17, where the owner gave us a royal treatment to the most delicious Mexican food I have ever had in my life.

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If you’re ever in the Columbia, Maryland area, I highly recommend it. And if you want to see live Salsa dancing, be sure to make a reservation on Saturday night at 10 pm, and you’ll be given an extra treat~

On Sunday, my friend at New Hope surprised me with a beautiful birthday cake, and today, I was treated out for a delicious lunch at work by two of my co-workers.

And then, my other co-workers went even further by giving me beautiful flowers, cupcakes, and a whole lot of love. I also think that my face was a shade of maroon for the entirety of their gift giving. It was the first time I had ever been given flowers as a gift…I was incredibly grateful!

At the end of a wonderful day at work, I waited at the bus stop to catch my ride home.

Unfortunately, the beautiful snow that had been falling earlier had turned into very cold rain, the bus was 20 minutes late…and I forgot my umbrella yet again.

And that’s when I got an unexpected birthday gift…from a complete stranger~

I let her know that she and her kind gesture were like a surprise birthday present from God on my birthday, and how thankful I was. She laughed and told me that she was holding her umbrella anyway, and that it wasn’t a big deal, but it was a big deal for me…so random lady at the bus stop? I thank you for your kindness~

25 never felt so good and I am so blessed. Thank you all, and good night!


PS: Happy 8th Birthday to Mini-Grace~

Is it just me or is it cold out here?


I take public transportation to work, and that means a lot of waiting outside in the cold until the bus arrives.

Before I went to work today, my awesome mom handed me a little care package for the road.


Ahh…that moment when you realize no matter how crazy your mom may sound at first…she always ends up being right.

I felt pretty bad for the people standing in line with me. I kept fondling the toasty warm eggs in my pocket, and I’m sure that I made a pretty strange sight.

Anywhoo, stay warm, my lovely readers, and stay healthy~

Everyone seems to be getting sick, so pump that Purell! Wash them hands! And if you are sick, please don’t cough without covering your mouth with your sleeve! Thaaanks~

Phew! 2011 is OVAH, and 2012 is HERE!

According to the WordPress Summary Report I got yesterday:

The concert hall at the Syndey Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 13,000 times in 2011. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 5 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

(Click the image above for the full statistics!)


That’s a lot of love. Thank you all for making 2011 the most successful year yet for my blog!

Since Christmas, I have been reflecting on the past year, and how much has changed in my life since last January

  1. In January, I rang in the New Year with my friends in New Jersey, and spent the rest of the month battling icy sidewalks, broken apartment heaters, and searching for my snow-buried car.
  2. In February, I continued to deal with crazy NYC Metro incidents, and Starbucks came out with their new “Trenta”-sized coffee.
  3. In March, I talked dirty to the Starbucks baristas, got bitten by a Vampider, and packed my bags to move back to the MD/DC area to work as an architect!
  4. In April, I shot my very first firearm, and shared trade secrets, including how to avoid bedtime bugs and how to make their very own photo comics~
  5. In May, I enjoyed my mother’s amazing cooking, tried to bring sexy back, almost accidentally killed my brother, and went fishing for river monsters.
  6. In June, I practiced my golf swing at the range, and tried to convince a stranger that I didn’t fart in an elevator.
  7. In July, my family went to Orlando’s Islands of Aventure, Faith gave a shot at making her own comics, and I pondered deeply on what my Prius would look like if it was a Transformer
  8. In August, I broke down and finally got myself a new computer, and experienced one of the most disgusting things in my life, and it was all my dad’s fault.
  9. In September, I went fossil hunting with my dad, helped my grandfather get Sex on the Beach, and had a stranger’s butt too close for comfort to my face.
  10. In October, I got myself some new glasses, and learned how to deal with my Dad’s creeping and my Mom’s backseat Facebook driving.
  11. In November, I began my very first Mini-Series comics (in which my own boss cameo’d), celebrated 11/11/11 at 11:11 am, and started my own Non-Profit Organization for Haiti by selling my comics.
  12. Finally, in December, I got to try my hand out again as a photographer, gingerbread architect, and singer/dancer.

What in the world could 2012 possibly bring? 2011 had a new job, new lifestyle, new locale, new friends, and a new look for me. I lost 15 lbs, started a non-profit that raised over $1000 in a month’s time, worked for a job that I absolutely love, and am the happiest I have been in a long time. I have no idea, but I have a really good feeling that God is still going to outdo 2011~

My own goals for 2012 include becoming fully licensed as an architect by the end of 2012, taking the New Mercy Project to the next level, and Lord willing (as corny as it may sound), finding love.

And no worries, lovely readers. I’ll be sure to take you all on this journey with me. Here’s to 2012~

새해 복 많이 받으세요!


PS: If you wanted the rest of the Christmas Videos I took, I’ve put them below!



A Cartoon Stuck in a Real Girl’s Body

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January 2012