You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2011.

My special project has finally begun!

To be honest, it may not seem like a project to other people, but as I have never video edited before, it took me much longer than expected and became quite the pet project for me.

Anyways, here’s Day 1 of my family’s time in Orlando~ I hope you enjoy and look forward to the other days to come!

My family and I went to go and see Transformers in 3D.

It wasn’t great, but at least it was entertaining.

One thing our family discussed at length after the movie was how cool it would be to have our very own Transformer.

Which then, of course, made me wonder…what if my car…my little blue-gray Prius was a Transformer???

Hmm…I think that I’ll name him Spike. (But only because the Transformers Name Generator told me that “Toyota Prius” translates into “Spike.”)

Just for fun, I put my entire family in:

Grace: Galvatron
Peter: Pipes
Faith: Hotspot
Mom: Percepter
Dad: Mixmaster

Somehow, all very appropriate and fun.

Okay, time for bed. Good night~

Another Faith Friday, and this time, it’s a PSA.

Um. Yeah. I leave it to you guys to find the wisdom.

Stay cool in this cah-ray-zee heat wave~

Yup. I’ve jumped on the bandwagon.

And I’m loving it. It’s like a cleaned up, streamlined version of Facebook. So, if you have an account, be sure to add me! I will be sure to put all my blog/comic updates, as well as other little goodies on my profile.


On another note, I found this little picture of me when I was a real-life Mini-Grace.

Good times, good times.

And now it’s time for bed. I spent way too long today trying to figure out Google +, and I am WIPED. Love you~

…Made these girls cry.

Oh man, the last movie was so good~ All the hype aside, I was genuinely impressed by the last Harry Potter Movie and felt a sort of bittersweet closure to a chapter of my childhood. Good times, Harry. Good times.

Yes, it’s true, Faith and I did hold hands for the entire 2.5 hours!

Whether it was reading the books during middle and high school, watching the movies during high school and college, and even going to Harry Potter Land in Orlando last weekend, I was able to enjoy my time at Hogwarts for almost half of my life. And now it’s time to finally move on.

This summer, I read through the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, re-read the Chronicles of Narnia, and finished the Hunger Games trilogy. I am having a hankering for a new great series, and hopefully, someone will come up with one soon. In the meantime, I’ll probably re-read the Lord of the Rings again. (SO GOOD!)

If any of you have any recommendations, please throw them my way, pronto!

Another Faith Friday, and it’s full of cleavage!

You’ll see what I’m talking about.

I am heavily medicated at the moment.

It seems like the fun I had in Orlando caught up with me, and I am now suffering from flu-like symptoms in the middle of summer. Ugh.

But hey, thank God for Nyquil~ My nearest and dearest bestest of friends.

Through this sickness, I did manage to learn a few things about Nyquil. The biggest thing being the fact that I tend to faceplant about 30 minutes after taking it.

Now you know what I know. Time for bed. 5 minutes till faceplant time!

Our family just got back from Universal Studios!

It was “magical.” ::rimshot::

Fortunately, while we were wandering around Toon Lagoon, I found that it was still easy to get a comic done, even though we were on vacation.

All in all, a super fantastic trip~ I will update with comics, photos, and with that “special project” I was talking about, all later this week and into the next.

Now, I’m off to pass out, face first, into my pillow and sleep off the three days of hard-core-vacationing. Catch you later!

Faith is back for another week of random tomfoolery.

Enjoy, and check back next week for something new, and be sure to leave some feedback for the little Whang.

Haven’t done this since last July, so I thought I’d bring it back again~

My Top #5 Music Videos that I’ve been watching over and over again recently:

#5 Bloom (Disney Remix) by Pogo

If you know me, you know that I love Disney Princesses, electronic beats, and mashups. Someone was just brilliant enough to combine a few of my favorite things. Thanks to Erick Fix of Robotic Raptor Studios for sending me this link, and be sure to check out his videos (they’re amazing)!

#4 Don’t Go Home by GD & TOP (of Big Bang)
(Click on the “CC” button for English subtitles)

This concept for this song is…I dunno…just adorable, and I couldn’t help but love it. Plus, the song itself is upbeat and catchy and fun, so here it is~

#3 Hands Up by 2PM
(Click on the “CC” button for English subtitles)

I have to admit that I didn’t want to like this song the first time I heard it, but before I knew it, I was singing this song under my breath while jogging on the treadmill and I knew it was over. I was hooked.

#2 K-POP Til the World Ends by DJ Masa
(Click on the “CC” button for English subtitles)

As part of his bi-annual routine, Brazilian DJ Masa recently released the 2011, first-half-mashup of top 40 K-Pop hits. To be honest, the mashup is better than the majority of these 40 individual songs on their own.

#1 Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO

Shuffling, spoofing of zombie-apocalpyse flicks, LMFAO, and Quest Crew. I can’t find a single thing to complain about. Whenever I heard this song, I bust out shuffling. True story. Did it in the grocery store the other day in the canned vegetable aisle.

I know what you’re probably all saying, “GRACE, NO COMIC?! I WANTS COMIC! RAWR!”

I know, I know, but aside from work, I’ve been busy preparing a new project for this blog, and hopefully, by next week, you all will get to enjoy it, so keep checking back~

Don’t forget, another Faith Friday coming your way in two days! Check check check it out!

A Cartoon Stuck in a Real Girl’s Body

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July 2011