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It’s been a wonderful weekend with my family~

On Friday, we all celebrated my brother Peter’s 23rd Birthday!

I’m very proud to have such a wonderful and mature younger brother. Happy birthday, Peesha!

Today, I had the opportunity to hang out with my sister Faith before she heads back out to college on Tuesday. And per our annual tradition, we had ourselves a Photoshoot~

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It was a beautiful day to take photos, and my lovely subject made my job very easy~. With my new camera (a pretty little Olympus E-PL2 Compact Camera) and the Adobe Lightroom program I got for Christmas, I plan on taking many more pictures! So happy!

Tomorrow and Monday will be just as awesome, because I have the wonderful opportunity to hang out with a team of amazing people who are going to be traveling to Haiti with me to visit Grace International in October. And one of those people is my own brother! So proud, so excited! I can’t wait for him to see the things and meet the people that have changed my own life.

I know this trip is going to be just as life-changing for him and the friends I’m taking.

As you all know, for the past few years, I’ve been dedicating my time to promote a cause that’s near and dear to my heart.

It has been just over 2 years and 7 months since the earthquake of 2010 ravaged Haiti and its capital, Port-Au-Prince. Although Haiti is nearing its 3 year mark of recovery, the aftershocks of the destruction proved to be long-term and devastating. By the grace of God, non-profit organizations, such as Grace International in Port-Au-Prince, have been aiding the Haitian community by overseeing and managing 270 churches, 65 schools, 3 orphanages, medical clinics, hospitals and elderly widow care for over 30 years. The Lord’s Kitchen, Grace International’s children feeding program, has also aided in saving the lives of the children living on Grace International’s campus and in surrounding neighborhoods.

Unfortunately, as time has gone by, the Lord’s Kitchen has struggled to accumulate the funding necessary to keep the program running, while their medical ministries have expressed a need for support and expertise. In response to these specific needs, myself and a carefully hand-selected group of 7 leaders from Bridgeway Community Church will be traveling to Haiti between October 12th-16th to aid and partner with Grace International and serve the Lord’s Kitchen and their medical ministries.

It is my hope that with your help, we can raise enough funds to go above and beyond the $900/per member cost to go to Haiti. Every dollar raised in excess will go directly into funding for The Lord’s Kitchen, and every dollar will feed 3 children! Even the smallest donation has the power to save lives, especially after the wake of Hurricane Isaac.

I humbly ask for any help you can provide so that we can help Grace International continue to spread God’s grace and love to his children in Haiti. Whether you send an online donation or a prayer, I am extremely grateful for your help. You may go to to give a tax-deductible donation.  Please click on Haiti Missions Trip and designate the Trip Member (Grace Whang) you are supporting. 

Love your faces, and I’ll keep you all posted!


When I have a lot of things on my mind, I have a habit of talking in my sleep.

And since the past few weeks have been filled with all sorts of things, my nights have subsequently been filled with tons of talk.

A co-worker of mine let me know about a fun little app called “Sleep Talk Recorder,” which (like the name says), records your sleep talking. I set it to record one night, and this is what happened:

Super creepy.

I don’t even remember what the context of that phrase was in my dreams!

Hear it for yourself below:

What do YOU think I was dreaming about?

Pop Quiz, Hot-shot.

I was watching one of my favorite British Youtubers the other day, and he did a psychology test that I found fascinating.

Clear your mind and follow along.

Ready to find out what your imagination says about you? Read on!

The Cube: This is how you view yourself and your surroundings.

I suppose this means that I see myself as a shiny, but fragile object: easy to see through, but also reflective and equips others to see themselves better, too.

The Ladder: This represents your friends.

The wooden ladder is standing strong on its own, which many of my friends do, and have the potential to bring me to a higher level that I couldn’t get to by myself

The Horse: This symbolizes how you visualize your love interest/an important relationship that you are in.

I imagine my future mate to be someone that is “wild” and exotic, knowledgeable of the world and street-smart. But as it was calm, saddled and tamed, he has been refined and educated, and is ready to carry me out of the desert.

The Storm: This stands for the trouble in your life and how you view it.

The sandstorm I saw was caused by my surroundings, and not by nature (like a thunderstorm). I see that many of my problems aren’t caused by circumstance or any one person, but by the surroundings I put myself into. Fortunately, it was off in the distance and in the opposite direction of my horse, which hopefully alludes to how my relationship and my troubles won’t be linked.

The Flowers: These represent your children, how many you want, and show what kind of people you want them to be.

The several roses I saw were healthy and vibrant, even though they were lying on the desert floor. I see my children as standing out in their surroundings, being pruned, elegant, refined, and in full bloom no matter where they are.

Sooo…what did YOU see?

Happy Independance Day, my lovely readers! America! WHOO!

This past week has been incredibly eventful. It all started last Friday, when 3 million people (including the Whang Gang) lost all power.

And boy, was it sudden!

That weekend, our family pow-wowed in the basement to keep cool in the 100+ degree weather until (thank God!) we regained power Sunday early afternoon.

I was suddenly reminded of the blackout in Haiti, and I couldn’t help but feel immense gratitude and thankfulness for the situation that our family was blessed to be in, despite the lack of power.

The fact that we have a basement that keeps cool without air conditioning, and clean, running water that allowed us to drink, cook, clean, and wash up…I was re-humbled and re-invigorated for my next trip to Haiti this October.

After the hullaballoo of settling back into our re-powered house, we got ready for the 4th of July!

Our family celebrated by participating in a sponsored event at the Columbia Sheraton Hotel, where we had a beautiful front-row seat to the fireworks show.

The show was beautiful and the night was perfect. And I FINALLY got to try out that “Fireworks” setting on my Canon S90 camera. (See the gallery below for the photos I took that night…the setting is not bad!)

This weekend, the Whang ladies are heading out to Pennsylvania for a girl’s night on the town!

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll know that any time spent with my Mom and my sister will bring about some crazy memories.

Look forward to it! Mwah!

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People wonder why I wear high heels all the time.

Long story short (no pun intended)…I’m short.

And this becomes painfully clear when I deal with people much taller than me when I’m at home. Because (like in most Asian households), I don’t wear shoes indoors.

Fortunately for me, I have wonderful people in my life that are very accommodating and sensitive to my struggle with being vertically challenged.

On a different note, I’m back from my trip to NYC! It was an awesome time with awesome reunions with old friends and seeing new sights. Check out the gallery below for my personal favorite highlights!

Hope you’re having a wonderful summer, my lovely readers! Keep cool, and enjoy yourselves!

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It was free donut day recently at Krispy Kreme.

So my friend and co-worker Chris and I went over to indulge in the free treat after work.

Because my mom and brother absolutely love Krispy Kreme donuts, I decided that while I was at it, I would bring a half dozen home with me. Box, ice coffee, and free donut stacked in hand, Chris and I headed out the door where a storm was brewing outside.

And then…tragedy struck.

It was a sign. No donut for me.

Which was probably for the best, considering that I’m on a diet. That’s what I get for cheating…

Anyway, at least the rest of the donuts made it safely home! Good times!

I’m heading out to NYC this weekend for a nice vacation road trip. Have a wonderful weekend, my lovely readers, and if you’re on the east coast, enjoy the fantastic weather!


Last week was busy busy busy, with work work work.

When Friday afternoon finally hit, I looked at my desk and saw that I had at least 5 identical cups of coffee sitting all about.

And for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out which one was the one I had bought that morning. So I took a gamble and grabbed the one closest to me and took a healthy swig.


The good news is, it totally woke me up. Nothing like 3-day-old cold coffee hitting your gullet in the middle of Friday afternoon. That chill up your spine can keep you going for another good 6 hours alone. Red Bull, eat your heart out.

I watched the Avengers Movie on opening weekend, and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie.

But it got me thinking…

The Avengers could really use one more member on their team…and I knew just who would do the job.


Spring is here!

And now that the weather has been getting so much nicer, I’ve been wearing more dresses and skirts. And I love wearing dresses and skirts~

The only problem is that local weather reporters tend to leave out warnings when wind speeds are a bit high for the day.


My lovely fellow commuters at the bus stop unintentionally saw another side of me that neither one of us was expecting.

Remind me to always wear shorts underneath my dresses from here on out.

This week, I got a fantastic gift in the mail.

My very good friend and 오빠, Captain Jason Kim, is officially back in the US from his year of dutiful service in Qatar and Afghanistan! YAY~

I want to sincerely thank you for your amazing sacrifice and effort in defending our country’s freedom. Welcome home, my brother~

During his deployment, I had the honor of being his penpal (while the wonders of WordPress and the Internet also kept us connected on a weekly basis). I knew he was coming home in early April, but what I didn’t expect was such a wonderful gift delivered onto my doorstep.

To Captain Jason Kim, all of the soldiers that served with him in Afghanistan and Qatar, and the 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron…thank you for the honor of this flag and for allowing me the opportunity to be your cheerleader.

It’s as big as I am! I love it~

Ready for a new week, my lovely readers? Here we go!

My long work hours are finally over! (For now!)

So now, I get to catch up on my sleep. As you know, sleep is very important to me.

And my body tends to seek it out one way or another. Many times unintentionally.

My mom was telling some of my friends a story about how my narcoleptic ways preceded my working days…it all started when I was a wee little Whang.

True story. I was a heavy sleeper, and would actually sleep through falls like that. Fortunately, my mom would usually catch me before I would eat it.

Anyways, with my schedule opening up, I’m hoping to get into the habit of updating more than once a week again.

Thanks for your patience, my lovelies!

A Cartoon Stuck in a Real Girl’s Body

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