You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2011.

Went to Costco to pick up my new glasses today.

According to the lady who was helping me, my prescription was horribly out of date. When she asked me when my last eye check-up was, I was embarrassed to tell her that it was 7 years ago.

It’s been a while.

So I got me a shiny new pair!

Too bad for Mini-Grace, she was definitely not used to seeing me in my glasses.

To her credit, I did go as a nerd two years ago.


My costume this year will be just as goofy.

In the meantime, I’m going to get used to my new glasses.

PS: RIP Old purple pair. You have served me well and faithfully the past 7 years.

In recent months, I noticed that there has been a considerable decrease in the number of readers that visit my blog.

In part, I think that it’s because of my spotty uploading of posts. But it nevertheless got me thinking…after having drawn one-shot non-sequitor comics for a year, should I try something new to bring a different flair to this site?

– – –

Tell me what you think! I love your faces~


Whenever I work on my comics, I usually feel a tingly sensation on the back of my neck. And usually, it means that someone (a.k.a. Dad)  is watching me and trying to get a sneak peak.

But when I am really busy, or engrossed in what I’m working on, sometimes I don’t pay attention to my instincts, and that’s where Mini-Grace comes in.


I need to start setting up mirrors.

Contest! Contest!

I mean, Batman! Batman!

It’s been a while, and to be honest, it’s because I’ve been busy and lacking inspiration. But while my busyness has not subsided, I am chock-full of inspiration and will be dishing out the comics this month!

I thought that a fun way to kick off this month would be by doing a contest!

Lots of people have been asking for me to make them their own photo-comics, so here’s a chance for you to win your own!

The rules? Just put in what you think Mini-Grace and I are saying in the comments below.

The funniest one (deemed by Daddy Whang, who you know has quite the sense of humor…) will win their very own photo comic, which will be posted on this blog and e-mailed to you.

So what are you waiting for???

To the Batmobile, Robin!

Holy costume party, Batman!

I don’t think that people believe me when I say that the comics I draw are all based on actual events.

Anyway, I had this conversation with my mom the other day, and I realized why people probably think that I make things up.

My mom, ladies and gentlemen.

And on to news that I’m sure you’re all aware of…

Rest in Peace, Steve Jobs.

Thanks to your innovations, I’ve been able to make my comics and have fun while doing it.


That sounds…weird somehow.

Anywhoo, it’s going to be a pretty busy weekend for me. Gonna be working on two big projects for Haiti, so I’ll do my best to get you guys another comic on Sunday~

Bye bye!

Ahh, finally a weekend to recover.

My cold is finally almost gone, I got to sleep in, and I got to pamper myself a bit after my bathtimes.

Unfortunately, Mini-Grace wanted in on that action and wouldn’t leave me alone.

You must be this tall to use a hair straightener, Mini-Grace.

Anywhoo, this week should be much better and filled with comics and such. September was quite the chaotic month, and thanks to everything that went awry, I have quite a few fun little comics to draw and share with you all.

Love your faces. Bye!

A Cartoon Stuck in a Real Girl’s Body

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October 2011