You are currently browsing the monthly archive for April 2012.

This week, I got a fantastic gift in the mail.

My very good friend and 오빠, Captain Jason Kim, is officially back in the US from his year of dutiful service in Qatar and Afghanistan! YAY~

I want to sincerely thank you for your amazing sacrifice and effort in defending our country’s freedom. Welcome home, my brother~

During his deployment, I had the honor of being his penpal (while the wonders of WordPress and the Internet also kept us connected on a weekly basis). I knew he was coming home in early April, but what I didn’t expect was such a wonderful gift delivered onto my doorstep.

To Captain Jason Kim, all of the soldiers that served with him in Afghanistan and Qatar, and the 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron…thank you for the honor of this flag and for allowing me the opportunity to be your cheerleader.

It’s as big as I am! I love it~

Ready for a new week, my lovely readers? Here we go!

My long work hours are finally over! (For now!)

So now, I get to catch up on my sleep. As you know, sleep is very important to me.

And my body tends to seek it out one way or another. Many times unintentionally.

My mom was telling some of my friends a story about how my narcoleptic ways preceded my working days…it all started when I was a wee little Whang.

True story. I was a heavy sleeper, and would actually sleep through falls like that. Fortunately, my mom would usually catch me before I would eat it.

Anyways, with my schedule opening up, I’m hoping to get into the habit of updating more than once a week again.

Thanks for your patience, my lovelies!

I’m back!

I know, I know…I’ve been a bad, neglectful blogger the past month. I promise, it was for good reason, though!

Between the very long/late hours at work, a recent week-long vacation, and getting sick (again), I haven’t had the chance to put a pen to paper…

…until NOW.


Because I love your faces (and because you all deserve it for patiently waiting), I’m not only giving you a comic, but I’m also going to hit you up with photos AND a vacation video~

The Grand Cayman was amazing~ A big “thank-you” to my uncle and his family for taking me along with them. I had a blast.

Enjoy, and I’ll be posting again soon (this time for real).

I got me one heck of a tan. I don’t even look Asian anymore, so my mother disowned me.

Nooo, I’m just kidding. She didn’t disown me. She did slap a whitening face mask on me the moment I walked into the house, though.

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For the full album, click HERE.

(And yes, that *IS* Al Roker in that one picture with me and my cousin. Here’s what happening in YOUR neck of the woods~)

A Cartoon Stuck in a Real Girl’s Body

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April 2012