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As you know, I have a strange imagination…

Lately, I’ve been packing my lunch 4 times a week to improve my diet, save money, and be more concious about the kinds of foods I eat.

Anywhoo, as I ate an apple the other day, the most random question crossed my mind…

Long story short, no mercy. Lol. Apples are delicious.

Umm…yeah. There’s absolutely no point to this post. Just felt like sharing the random thoughts of my mind. 

Speaking of random…I was tickled to see one of my favorite Korean singer/rappers make it viral online. Oppah Gangnam Style! Go Psy! Korea Fighting!

(For thos of you who want a translation of what the video is about, click HERE.)

Have a wonderful weekend!

I still haven’t seen the Dark Knight Rises.

Scandalous, right? I know it’s been out for a few weeks at this point, but with project deadlines and other things popping up here and there, it fell to the backburner, and I kind of…forgot about it.

And it didn’t help that all of my co-workers had all already seen it and were looking to discuss the things that happened in the movie.

I…still don’t know if he was joking about it or not.

But tonight’s the night! I’m off to go and see it, and I will finally find out for sure whether or not my co-worker was messing with me or not.

Either way, he’s dead to me.

(I kid, I kid. Thanks for reading, Alan~ We can talk about the movie on Monday.)

A Cartoon Stuck in a Real Girl’s Body

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August 2012