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There’s a reason why the Whang family doesn’t bother arguing with each other.

In the end. Mom always wins.

It’s been over a month since our return from Haiti.

And before the memory falls cold in our minds, here’s a short film shot and edited from a fellow Haiti Teammate (Scott Kwak) that recaps our journey to the beautifully tragic nation of Haiti.

A HUGE thank you again to all who supported me financially and prayerfully, as well as my fellow Haiti Missions team members.

This Christmas, please consider bringing the gift of hope to the children at Grace International, by sponsoring a single child from Grace Village (as shown in the video).

From my first-hand experience, the difference that a sponsorship makes is witnessing a child escaping the clutches of death and being thrust into the opportunities of life.

Love you, my lovely readers~

On chilly days like today, I really wanted some tea.

And so I went to Starbucks and bought myself a coffee.

Is it just me, or is it cold outside?


I think that if there was one thing I wish New York City wasn’t…it’s the cold.

And I’m not just talking about the weather. After 5 years in Pittsburgh, chilly/rainy/windy/snowy weather doesn’t phase me anymore. (Nothing some thermal undies and a 5 foot long scarf can’t fix.)

I’m talking more about the atmosphere of the city. Even during the warm summer days, people walk so furiously it’s like there’s a plague coming in after them. Head down, eyes hidden behind sunglasses, hands in pockets, ears plugged by headphones…and homaigahd I thinkĀ I’ve become one of them!

But around this time of year, I find little patches of warmth, where people don’t act like typical New Yorkers. And that’s wherever I find those bright twinkling Christmas lights, strung up in bright white, sparkling gold, colorful rainbow, and sometimes in those cool blues and greens.

And it’s those little lights that cause people to look up from the ground, slow their pace, and momentarily forget how flipping cold and gross it is outside.

Funny, that. It’s like those little lights have the ability to make us turn into 5-year-olds again. And I love it.

So Shiny~

I pray that for the upcoming New Year and beyond, I can be more like those little lights. Despite being small, shining brightly enough to pierce the cold and the dark. And, if I’m lucky, helping people stop and feel like little kids again while I’m at it~

And I can’t do it alone. If you haven’t noticed, those little lights come in long strands~ The more of us there are, the brighter the world will be. Time to be shiny, peoples!

Stay warm, my lovely readers~

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying before.

And yes, it can be a bit cliched, but let’s be honest: There is a lot of healing and healthy living that is involved with laughter.

This week was incredibly busy with work and life, but I intentionally decided to try something new. Even if there wasn’t anything happening at the moment to feel happy or joyful about, that I would take that moment to take a deep breath, smile, and wallow in contentment in the blessings I have.

What a difference that made! My conversations with people were brighter, work got done more efficiently, and I slept better this week than I have in the past few months! Despite feeling physically a bit down recently, my mental state is in the healthiest place it’s been in a while.

So back to laughter. Laughter is taking the contentment I mentioned earlier and letting it explode for the people around you to experience.

My family loves to laugh. We can be stern when need be, but when we’re together we can’t be taken all that seriously.

I was just video chatting with my dad tonight, when he suddenly stood up from his seat to show me that he managed to get his pajama pants all the way up to his shoulders. I tried myself, but my skills were nowhere near as epic as his.

"Dad, what are you..."


I look incredibly stupid guffawing in those photos, but after I managed to gather myself, I have to say that I feel alive right now.

Take some time to laugh. Realize that despite the tragedies of life, that happiness is a choice. And when we change our mindsets, everything else can follow for the better.

(And if you can, be like Papa Whang and try to make others laugh, too.)

It snowed today, and I couldn’t help but get excited for the winter~!

Okay, the “snow” was really just a dusting of flurries, but they were still really pretty.

As Christmas comes rushing towards us, I am doing my best to keep in mind (pardon the cliche), the real reason for the season.

Amidst the busyness of the city, the packed schedule, the late nights, and the lingering worries in the back of my mind of what my future holds, I find peace in remembering how much He loves us…that He would send His only Son to save us all.

I’m so grateful for where God has taken me this year. It’s been a rough patch of events, but I believe that He allowed me to grow up a little bit through those experiences.

And in the same way, I hope that my goals and passion grow up in the same way in 2011.

Stay warm, lovely readers~


During my week of being blog negligent (I’m still sorry, btw), I’ve been dabbling in freelance projects and graphic design competitions.

And I’ve been having a blast~ So I thought I’d share this joy with you in blog-format.

The most recent of the projects I participated in was a contest held by Toasted Foot, for a cigar company called 262 Ideology.

All they asked was to upload an image with the numbers “262” somewhere in the picture. So I thought about it a little, grabbed my Wacom Tablet, opened up Adobe Illustrator, and had at it.

The contest’s deadline was yesterday, and today, I was confirmed as one of the finalists!!!

Toasted Foot just put up a public poll for people to vote for their favorite design, and I need your help to get me to the top!

My lil’ logo is the one belooooooooow:

Lucky Entry #13~! VOTE!

In all honesty, I was super proud of this drawing. Among all of the graphic designs I’ve done, this was one of the best I’ve managed to create. And it happened so quickly and effortlessly, that I was all around giddy by the time I submitted it.

So, if you think my design is the best of the lot, PLEASE vote for me! (Even if you don’t, PLEASE vote for me ^^)

Should I win the free box of 262 Ideology cigars, and if you voted, and if you’re in the NJ/NY area, comment below, and we can celebrate togeddurs.


Click HERE to place your vote in the poll.

A Cartoon Stuck in a Real Girl’s Body

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December 2010