You are currently browsing the monthly archive for December 2011.

This past weekend has been one of the best I’ve had all year.

And after I gave Mini-Grace her present, I think that she can probably say the same thing.

And by darling, I mean you, lovely reader~

Merry Christmas! I hope and pray that you all had a fantastic Christmas today!

My weekend was filled with good times, a fun and entertaining musical production at Bridgeway Community Church, and later on, a wonderful get-together with my Bridgeway, New Hope, and immediate family.

What can I say? I have a very big family.

Lots of dancing, singing, eating, laughing, worshipping, and other goods stuffs went down, and I’ll eventually get to documenting it all~


I also made a little something special for Mini-Grace for Christmas, and tomorrow, I’ll show you what her reaction is! Look forward to it!

For more pictures of my weekend, click HERE.


People are already donating and reserving their Facebook Timeline banners~! YAY!

My sister was one of the earliest givers (thank you, Faithy~).

And seeing as how we live with each other, I started with her Timeline profile first.

Heck, I even whipped out the camera again to do some more photo-shooty action.

Again, the timeline banners don’t have to be of a comic, or interacting with your profile pictures, unless you want it to. I promise to make your wildest Facebook Timeline dreams come true~

Love you all. Are you ready for Christmas??? D-3!!!

Annnd, here are the full-sized versions of the photos I took of Faithy. You know. Just for fun.

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She so purty.

Phew. Is anyone else having to deal with crazy schedule juggling this time of year, or is it just me?

Anyway, I’m pleased to update you all with some news about the Haiti Project I was working on:

Over the past month and a half, 16 donors have sent in enough money to fund the Lord’s Kitchen weekly feeding program for almost three weeks: the equivalent of providing 3,500 meals!

So that you can see that 100% of your donations were given directly to Grace International, I documented the donation process HERE. We will also be receiving a progress report directly from Grace International, so that you can see exactly how your donations are being used.

Thank you again for everyone’s generous donations, and I encourage others, if you haven’t already, to donate! I will personally be going to Haiti this February, and all the proceeds that we raise between today and then, I will hand-deliver to the feeding program at Grace International, and will document everything!

To encourage you all again, I thought that I could throw out another giveaway gift process.

If you have Facebook, and you have the new Timeline, you’ll probably want something unique and fun, right?

For the first 20 people to donate over $30, I will make you a cool, unique profile picture, and it doesn’t have to have a cartoon in it!

I do graphic design work, too, so if you have a vision, I will make it so.

The rules are the same:

  1. Between now and February, I will make up to 20 profile pics for you lovely readers.
  2. Here’s the catch: If you want the photo comic, you have to go and donate a minimum of $30 to support the children’s feeding program in Haiti.
  3. Once you’ve donated, send an e-mail to with your name, and a high res, creative photo of yourself and a write-up of your vision.

And that’s it!

Love your faces. Time for me to crash. It’s almost Christmas~!

Thanks for your patience~ I’m back!

What a month! December has been pretty crazy with work, Haiti, and getting ready for the Christmas Musical.

But~ I am so excited about all of these projects and what’s to come.

2012 is going to be a great year, I can feel it!

Love your faces, my lovely readers. Thanks for an amazing year, and keep posted for more comics and videos!

Looks like my week-long vacation is going to need a short extension.

Sorry! With end-of-year work deadlines and a Christmas musical coming up , the finale to the mini-series will have to wait until Thursday.

(PS: you are ALL invited to the musical! Come and see me try to dance! Emphasis on “try!” Hit the link above for directions and times~)

Until then, enjoy the smooth sounds of some of my very talented friends from Bridgeway and New Hope.

Love your faces!

It’s been a bit of a crazy week for me.

I apologize, my lovely readers, but Mini-Grace and I are going to take a week-long hiatus to get our bearing’s straight and catch up on some sleep~

The mini-series conclusion will be up next Sunday! Love your faces!

PS: 20,000 hits in a year and a half! Thank you for reading!!!

Sorry for the late upload! Here it is~.

A big “thank-you” to David (my awesome boss) for not only agreeing to be in this comic, but allowing me to bring Mini-Grace with me for an in-office photo shoot~

The epic conclusion to this mini-series will be up on Sunday! To be continued!

A Cartoon Stuck in a Real Girl’s Body

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December 2011