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People wonder why I wear high heels all the time.

Long story short (no pun intended)…I’m short.

And this becomes painfully clear when I deal with people much taller than me when I’m at home. Because (like in most Asian households), I don’t wear shoes indoors.

Fortunately for me, I have wonderful people in my life that are very accommodating and sensitive to my struggle with being vertically challenged.

On a different note, I’m back from my trip to NYC! It was an awesome time with awesome reunions with old friends and seeing new sights. Check out the gallery below for my personal favorite highlights!

Hope you’re having a wonderful summer, my lovely readers! Keep cool, and enjoy yourselves!

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It was free donut day recently at Krispy Kreme.

So my friend and co-worker Chris and I went over to indulge in the free treat after work.

Because my mom and brother absolutely love Krispy Kreme donuts, I decided that while I was at it, I would bring a half dozen home with me. Box, ice coffee, and free donut stacked in hand, Chris and I headed out the door where a storm was brewing outside.

And then…tragedy struck.

It was a sign. No donut for me.

Which was probably for the best, considering that I’m on a diet. That’s what I get for cheating…

Anyway, at least the rest of the donuts made it safely home! Good times!

I’m heading out to NYC this weekend for a nice vacation road trip. Have a wonderful weekend, my lovely readers, and if you’re on the east coast, enjoy the fantastic weather!

I’m back and feeling great!

I just took my very first ARE Exam, the Building Design and Construction Systems exam, and after the weeks of hitting the books, it’s a relief to know that I have one down, and only 6 more to go~

As promised from the last post, I’m pleased to reveal to you, the missing Avenger. I give you, ARCHIGIRL!

Whenever I watch superhero movies, I die a little bit on the inside.

All of those amazing buildings getting smashed to pieces…but then again, architects in the US of A could really use some more work…

…anyway, I think that it would be a wonderful idea to have a super Architect. Rebuilding the world, one destroyed building at a time!

Avengers, ASSEMBLE!

A Cartoon Stuck in a Real Girl’s Body

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June 2012