Holy moley. 2000 hits in less than 2 months. Craziness!

So yes…thank you so much to everyone who’s taken the time to read my silly rants and enjoy my bubbly little comics.

And as a way to literally thank you, the readers, I’m offering the first 20 people who comment on this post a free personalized Photo Comic (like the one below)!

I will upload one of the 20 photo comics every Friday for the next several months,Β and also post a feature of that person in my blog.

My Inner Me is Ticklish.

If you get picked, all you have to do is:

1) Send me a clear, HQ photo of you in a pose that I can work with.

2) Fill out a short questionnaire (that I’ll be e-mailing out to you).

& 3) Wait for your photo comic to show up in your inbox and on WordPress.


(Oh, and if I could ask a favor of the winners…when you do get your photo comic, could you please post the link to your featured blog entry on your Facebook/Twitter/Blog? Word of mouth is the best form of advertisement, and if any of your friends want their own personalized Photo Comic, I can make them their very own to purchase.)

Thanks for reading my blog, good peoples of the Webernet! And stay tuned for the next month: ISA in NYC, Miami, Shanghai, Seoul and more! Craziness!